Unlike most households, I am the person that 'mans' the grill at our house, and I get lots of inspiration from my older brother, who is a MASTER of the grill. Seriously. It's pretty amazing. I digress, however. I originally found this recipe at $5 Dinners , which is an excellent place to get great meal ideas, and for not a ton of money. She does a weekly menu/shopping list, and I just happened upon this grilled pizza one by chance. Best thing to happen ever. She is also currently compiling a 30 days of non-gluten meals, so you should check that out as well.
Now first, let me just say that you can really make this with any kinds of toppings you want, not just Hawaiian. But I have discovered the wonder of grilled pineapple, and there is just no going back. If you decide to make a different kind of pizza, I would suggest grilling your toppings first, either in a tinfoil packet, or sauteed on your stove top. This method doesn't really cook the toppings so much as reheats everything together and melts the cheese. I love grilled pineapple, and Zach loved Hawaiian pizza, so that's what we have stuck with so far. The kiddos just get a cheese pizza, and everyone is happy.
So, first things first, you need to make your crust. Now, there are LOTS of grilled pizza crust recipes floating around out there. I would recommend one that uses olive oil, as that is what has worked best for me when grilling the dough. I also like to use whole wheat flour, so when you sub that in, just take into account that you will probably use less of it than normal white flour. I got my dough recipe here. Gotta love Martha. Anyways, when adding the flour, mix in the first cup and a half or so, then slowly add in the rest if you are using whole wheat flour.
Ok, so while your dough is rising, you need to get the rest of your things together. First, I cut up my pineapple. Never cut one before? Youtube it. But instead of cutting it into cubes, I take off the outside first, then slice it into thinner rectangles in order to grill it. Start your grill, and let it heat up. Then place your pineapple on the grill for about 3-5 minutes per side, tops. DO NOT BURN THE PINEAPPLE.
You also need to grate your cheese (you could buy preshredded cheese...but just don't), and I have no measurement on how much you need. I made 2 good sized pizzas tonight and used about a pound of mozzarella. Once you have your toppings all chopped and ready, and the pineapple is off the grill and chopped as well, it is time to clean your grill.
I take an older dish towel, and get it damp. I also take out a spray bottle of water. Spray down your grill to get any pieces of pineapple or anything that could be stuck on that baby. Let it preheat itself back up to medium heat or so. You don't want it too hot or it will burn your dough and not cook through.
Head back inside, it is time to roll out your dough. Punch down your dough a bit, and get it work-able again. I take a cutting board (just for measurement purposes) and get a piece of wax paper
Just set it on top of your cutting board, or on your counter.
Now drizzle a bit of olive oil on there, and spread it out with your hand into whatever shape you are making your pizza (I typically make rectangles, as they fit better in my grill). Get a handful of dough, and place it on the wax paper and start working it into the right shape. You can use a rolling pin, if you like, or you can do it the real way with just your hands.
This is the smaller size that I make for the kiddos. Once you are done with one, if you are planning on making more pizza's, just slide your dough on the wax paper off the board, get a new piece of paper and do it again. I typically make 2-3 pizza's depending on size. Once you have them all rolled out and shaped how you want on the wax paper, it is time to take them outside to the grill.
This is where it gets a little tricky. Getting the dough on the grill takes a little finessing. The wax paper saves you here. The first few times I was doing it without the wax paper, and the pizzas were just not coming transporting well. I spray my grill with some non-stick spray, as just another precaution to burning and sticking. Then you basically take your dough on the paper, and flip it over onto the grill where it will fit best. Let the first side brown up, it does not need to be close to being done or cooked through. You just want to dough to be firm enough that it doesn't fall apart when you flip it.
Once the first side has cooked for 5-8 minutes, take 2 spatulas, and very carefully flip it over. Be careful not to crack the dough, but don't be too upset it something happens. Just go with it. Now is go time to put all your toppings on. Sauce first, then cheese, ham, and pineapple.
I just bring it all outside with me and top it on the grill. The less you try to transport the crust, the more likely that it won't break or have any issues.
Once they are all topped, you basically just wait until the bottom of the crust is cooked through. This can take anywhere from 10-15 minutes at medium heat. I put the hood down so it stays hotter inside. Keep checking back on it, and let it get nice and browned on the bottom and the cheese melted.
Once everything is done, carefully slide the pizza onto your cutting boards and take it inside. Cut it up and enjoy!!! This has become my favorite pizza to make at home. SO good, crisp, delicious, and grilled to perfection!!