6 years seems to be a pretty long time. According to Zach, we have a lot of catching up to do...in comparison to people who have been married for 50 years. I may have pointed out that we aren't even 50 years old, but apparently that is inconsequential. So 6 years. I try to put it into perspective. For example, I have been married longer than I was in high school. Or...when Bishop turns 3 this year, he will have been here for half our marriage. Things like that. It still doesn't seem possible that I could have been married this long, let alone in a relationship this long. Here is where it gets all kinds of gushy, which is pretty uncommon for me. I truly love my life. I can not imagine being married to someone else. I just can't. I've tried. Or I have considered what I might do if something ever happened to Zach. And I just can't ever see myself getting married again. He is truly a compliment to my personality.
I believe that when you put a couple together, they should make a solid whole. That they each have traits that, when united, make a wonderful unit. Zach has all the things I never thought that my spouse would be. Not in a bad way, clearly, but in a way that I wasn't smart enough to put together on my own. And thank God for that. Because in myself, I wouldn't have been smart enough to marry this wonderful man who has made me a 100% better person.
So, for some reason, this anniversary, I have been more introspective than in past ones to my memory. I just keep coming back to the point that I am so happy to be married to this incredible man that I have been given. We have had some really hard times. Some really happy times. And all the day-in, day-out times in between. And I am still so happy to be married to him.
I really like Alanis Morissette. She has this fairly awesome song that I have listened to several times recently, and it seems even more fitting as I am contemplating loving the same person for the rest of my life. All the in's and out's that go with it. The chorus goes like this:
You see everything, you see every part.
You see all my light, and you love my dark.
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed.
There's not anything to which you can't relate.
And you're still here.
I have this magnet on my fridge somewhere that says "Love is seeing through someone and still enjoying the view" After 6 years, we have seen lots of things in each other that we never knew before we were married for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. And now, here we are in the 6th year of our marriage. To be honest, I am so excited for this new year together. What it will bring. The new things we will learn together, do together, be together. The hard times, the joyful times. The sheer silly times (which, if you know Zach, are the majority of the times that happen :D ) that make up our life together. What awaits us this year? I look forward to another year with Zach. Here we go!
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