At this point, I am happy to get us all out of the house on time, and clothed weather appropriately. Even if Bishop is not wearing the 'outfit' that came all together from the store. That was a revelation for me. How silly, right? That I always put him in the exact same outfits and didn't really 'mix' it up till well after his 1st birthday. And that was only because they don't make the whole outfit thing for older toddlers. This is not at all how I dress, so I am not sure why I thought that was how kids need to dress. Whatever.
There are specific orders to how I do things, but I like to think I am flexible...while knowing that I am, in fact, not. Last week Bishop was helping me make his PB&J sandwich, and he started putting the jam on first. Which is not how I do it. And the jam was on the left piece of bread.
You may not know this, but the proper way is to put peanut butter on the left slice of bread, then wipe off the knife, then jam on the right side. And you don't mix up the order or the bread slices. EVER.
I also never wash my face before I am done washing my hair in the shower. This one seems pretty logical to me. If I wash my face, then wash the conditioner out of my hair, and it gets on my is dirty again. Because conditioner feels slimy which = dirty. Anyways, I always wash my hair first, then start at the top of my head (face) and wash down. It's the shower 'trickle down' theory.
So I had to catch myself last week before I lectured Bishop about why the peanut butter needed to go first, and on the left piece of bread. You will be happy to know I let him finish his sandwich without even switching the bread slice sides.
SO what are your compulsive things? We all have them. It is either just the way we were taught to do things, or it is an order we have taught ourselves. How do you make a PB&J sandwich? Do you lick the knife? Not wipe if off at all?
Gah. I am just going to pretend everyone does it the right way.