Sunday, May 15, 2011


It is incredible to me what a kiss will do for a toddler. Really, any owie is suddenly better when it has been kissed by mom. I feel like there could be some really deep theological discussion inserted here about how faith in what we are told/know/God caring for us...things along those lines. But I am not in a theological mood at the moment.

Because my son has recently been asking for us to kiss inappropriate places. Not for any reason, other than he had been hurt there. Yesterday, during one of his birthday parties, he followed me around for several minutes, trying to take off his pants so I could kiss his owie on his bottom better. I had to tell him several times that mommy wasn't going to kiss it. It didn't make sense in his 3 year old mind that mommy wouldn't make something better when it was clearly in her power to do so. The best incident happened about a month ago.

Zach was playing with Bishop in the living room, and Bishop somehow injured he went up to Zach, pulled his pants down, and said "Kiss?" and he didn't want a kiss on the bottom, if you get what I am saying.

Yet another incident of us falling over laughing while Bishop stands off to the side wondering what the heck is going on.

We have also had to start limiting what movies exactly that he is watching. We knew the day would eventually come, as he mimics what he hears, and we don't really want to be called to the toddler Sunday school because he told someone to F off or something like that. So clearly, most action type movies were out. Recently, we have discovered romantic comedy is off limits too. As he doesn't get that there is an appropriate way to kiss, and an inappropriate way. So he sees people on a movie kissing...and wrestling... and he promptly comes over, sits on my lap, and tries to kiss me. Ahem, really kiss me.

So. Movies limited-check.

There are many things that I expected when we decided to have kids. But trying to explain the difference between kissing and the inappropriateness of kissing your mom with tongue to my toddler was no actually on the list. I think Cadence is going to be super easy because we will already be savvy to all the strange things kids pull.

French kissing attempts included.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This is TOO funny!!! Hahaha. You should know, I am not one to usually read blogs, but I read this one, and it was great. First blog I actually enjoyed! :)
