Sunday, July 8, 2012

Almost 100 things I want to teach my daughter

(Almost) 100 Things I Want to Teach My Daughter

(Yes, I borrowed some of these from a different blog, but I love this!) 

  1. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of body.
  2. The benefit of the doubt is sometimes the best gift we can give our friends.
  3. There will always be mean girls – that doesn’t mean we find a tower and Rapunzel ourselves away from the world.
  4. Your daddy has loved you better and longer than any boy ever will.
  5. Your brother will teach you how boys should treat you.
  6. You’re always welcome in my wardrobe.
  7. The world needs your point of view.
  8. Food is a joy.
  9. Your body is strong and capable of more than you can imagine right now.
  10. Ice cream is a love language.

  11. Cook, decorate, clean, organize because you love to, not because someone tells you you’re meant to.
  12. Music makes everything better.
  13. Dance – especially when you’re doing the laundry.
  14. You’ll never be too old for me to rock you.
  15. Nothing you tell me will ever make me want to stop hearing from you.
  16. We need your story.
  17. No prayer request is ever too small, too silly or too embarrassing to share.
  18. Washing your face every night is the best kind of beauty routine.
  19. Sunscreen – you got my skin :0)
  20. Mr. Darcy and popcorn make for a perfect evening.

  21. Blue eyes really do melt hearts.
  22. Never let others preconceived ideas about you change your self-image. 
  23. A good movie can change how you understand someone else.
  24. Words can build bridges between people, or tear them down. Be careful when you speak.
  25. Home is not where we live but who we love.
  26. Your name holds a special meaning for us.
  27. Inevitably I will hurt your heart, but we will fix it together.
  28. You taught me how to feel beautiful.
  29. Staying up late to read a good book is never time wasted.

  30. Good girls aren’t boring.
  31. Great makeup is worth the investment.
  32. Your daddy and I have loved you long before we ever met you. 
  33. The “mommy wars” are a myth; we’re all in this together.
  34. The best way never to worry about anyone gossiping about you is never to gossip about anybody.
  35. Saying sorry first is a sign of strength not a weakness.
  36. I’m on your side; especially on the days when it doesn’t feel like it.
  37. Your body is not just yours. It’s a gift for your husband. I promise it’s worth waiting to unwrap together.
  38. Sex for the first time will require a beautiful sense of humor and a partner who’s in it for life.
  39. The movies lie. Passion isn’t a contorted exercise on a marble staircase, it’s doing the dishes together and lying with your feet touching in bed at the end of a long day.

  40. Marriage is an act of courage, commitment and sacrifice. It’s also the most fun you’ll ever have with your best friend.
  41. Always fight fair. But don’t be afraid to fight.
  42. Long hair requires a really good conditioner.
  43. God says He has made ALL things beautiful– that includes you, my love – no matter how you feel about your body
  44. Never change how you look to follow a trend, wear what you like, what makes you comfortable and confident in yourself, even if it isn't the cool new thing. 
  45. I love the curves you and your brother added to my body.
  46. A good cry is great therapy.
  47. Christian women aren’t immune from cliques. Love on regardless.
  48. Bad hair days are inevitable.
  49. A strong man is never threatened by a strong woman.

  50. Go big even if it means failing big. Especially then.
  51. Be the friend you wish you had.
  52. Travel. Lots.
  53. You can’t control what others think about you. Let it go.
  54. A first kiss should be toasted, treasured, savored.
  55. I will be your best friend. But I will be your mother more.
  56. Your dad will teach you about music, he has the most interesting taste 
  57. You can’t go wrong with black. 
  58. Stop for sunsets.
  59. Prince Charming isn’t a fairytale, he’s a myth

  60. Daughters teach us about our mothers. 
  61. Jesus loves you for you.
  62. Husbands need a wife. Not another mom.
  63. It’s true what they say about childbirth, but nothing in your life will be more wonderful or empowering than having children.
  64. Love waits.
  65. Patience is never wasted.
  66. Don’t just Instagram your life. Live it.
  67. Dad will be the one helping you with math homework.
  68. Don’t be afraid of a broken heart.
  69. The only thing holding you back from making a difference in the world will be yourself.

  70. You are a miracle that was prayed for before you were born. 
  71. Girlfriends are the best kind of free therapy there is.
  72. Don’t be afraid to be foolish.
  73. Real life is always better than online.
  74. A good friend loves at all times. Period.
  75. Read everything written by Dr. Seuss and Jane Austin 
  76. Eating too much nerds candy will be something your teeth make you regret in your thirties.
  77. I’m more interested in your growth than your happiness.
  78. Your hurt is my hurt too.
  79. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t do it, wear it or say it.

  80. Challenge yourself..
  81. Learn at least one other language.
  82. We need each other.
  83. Bad haircuts grow out eventually.
  84. You will love again.
  85. The painful truth is always easier than a messy lie.

  86. Jesus loves you
  87. There’s no such thing as perfect.
  88. You can always come home.
  89. Nothing will make me love you less.
  90. Nothing will make me love you more.
  91. The mirror is not the boss of you.
  92. You’re the most brave when you’re the most scared and keep going anyway.
  93. Womanhood is a gift.
  94. I’m never tired of being your mother.
  95. You will always be my baby girl.
  96. I will always be here for you, even when it's scary or embarrassing to talk to me. 

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