Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Just to make life interesting- Add poop

Whew! What a day! Got up later than usual, which is good, since both of my kiddos had a tummy bug of sorts yesterday and didn't sleep because their butts were sore (literally). Had breakfast, and headed out to the movies with Devin, little Scott, and Luke, then to the park for lunch (which was not eaten) and lots of play. Now, my kiddos are typically down for a nap around 12:30-1ish. So when we got home at 3:30, you can imagine that they just dropped to sleep in their beds. I had to wake them up to get them to VBS tonight, which Bishop was over the top excited to go to, and Cadence was still thinking she should be in bed. Regardless, we went to VBS, a good time was had by all, and back home we came.

9:15 and my kids are a combination of exhausted, whiny, and COVERED in dirt. So I dump them in the bathtub, and start gathering bed time supplies (pjs, towels, diaper, sippy cup) when I hear Cadence screaming. Thinking she is just being whiny, I poke my head back in the bathroom, and what do you know!

She pooped in the tub.


So they both get out, stand on the rug until the tub drains, which seems to take about 8 hours, and Cadence continues to scream and demand to be picked up, which I refuse because...uh, yeah, I love you, but don't want to cuddle you while you are covered in poop/water. There's a line there...

So I get the poop out of the tub, clean it, then I do the fast dump-water-over-your-head-while-you-stand-in-the-tub-screaming-and-I-scour-the-poop-off rinse, get them out, diapered and in bed.

Because when you have a long day, a headache, and it is waaaaaaaaay past your kids bedtime, nothing screams fun louder than your toddler covered in poop water. Other than the toddler herself, who is prone to screaming anyways.

I am going to go hide in my bed.

Night All.

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