Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A long time gone...

Wow, I haven't actually written anything here or anywhere in a LONG time! There is far too much to really catch up, so let's just say life has been crazy, and leave it at that. So, hm where to start...where to start....

I think Cadence is going to be a pretty easy kiddo. Ok, she has always been the easy one. Bishop didn't sleep though the night until....well, actually, he still wakes up occasionally, so that would be never. Cadence, she is out for the night as I type this. Bishop is strong willed just for the fun of it, and often is contrary just to be contrary. Does he want a cookie? NO!!!! Then he cries and whines when he doesn't get a cookie...But if you offer a cookie, he will still say he doesn't want one. You get the point.

Tonight, Cadence went to grab something she wasn't supposed to, I told her very calmly "No, no sweetie" and she pulled her hand back, dropped her head down, and started crying with the saddest little face I have ever seen. She was so upset that she cried for a few minutes. So she is either very savvy to the ways of parents (mom's specifically) or she is just a sweet tempered little baby. Which...she is.

And thus, the easiest kiddo.

I have decided that in the spirit of Thanksgiving, and because it is closing in on the holidays, and actually, because it is just a good exercise, I am going to write a post a day starting in November about what I am thankful for. If you post or journal, I would encourage you to do something similar.

Also...I am just really excited for the holiday season. I LOVE this time of year, it's the best part of the year for sure. I wandered the toy aisles today to start getting Christmas ideas :D
Love it. Are you working on your Christmas list already? Close to being done? Haven't started yet (*cough*cough*)?

Regardless, we are days away from Halloween (which,I am also excited for, as the kids are both going to be cows, which is honestly adorable), and right around the corner from Thanksgiving.

I am off to go to bed early, possibly do a little reading. Sounds amazing to me.