Monday, July 9, 2012

An open letter to Christina Perri

Dear Christina Perri-

As big of a fan as I am of your music and talent, you have crossed a line with your recent video "Arms." No, I am not referring to the strange bed sheet that carries you away, the balloons the pick you up off a boat in a rain storm (I usually just let those babies float past. Rainstorms+balloons never work out well), or even the fact that you are driving my dream car.

Christina, I was willing to look past the many similarities that happen to occur between my life, you, and this video except for in one instance. That guy at the beginning? The tattooed Kurt Cobain looking guy with long hair? THAT'S IS MY TATTOOED KURT COBAIN LOOKING GUY*. I am happy to share similar interests in many areas, but when you start using men that look like my husband in videos, that is where I have to draw the line.**

So, Christina Perri, just because we share the same name with a different spelling, have tattooes and great taste in clothes, you CAN'T have my husband. Because he is mine, and I have the license to prove it. And it has a real seal on it. I know that there are many traits of mine that you might want to emulate, but I feel like husband stealing has crossed a line, Christina Perri, a line that you just don't come back from. So you can be expecting to hear from my lawyer about this blatant copyright issue. ***

As a side note, while I love the song, this video is not my favorite, because...who sings while they are sleeping? I get the dream part...but the singing while sleeping gets me. Oh, and the fact that you stole my husbands image to use in your slightly sad attempt to gain fame through others. Others being me, mainly. And my Kurt Cobain look-alike.

*The man in the video is not mine, clearly, by has a close (er, similar) resemblance to my husband, who happens to look like Kurt Cobain, sometimes.

**The line in question here is not a literal line, it is a figurative one. So I didn't ACTUALLY draw a line. It is more of an emotional line. The line was never actually drawn anywhere. Except my heart.

***I don't know if using someone in a video that resembles someone who resembles someone else is actually a copyright infringement, especially when you may or may not have the actual copyright for the image...this is being carefully looked over by lawyers. Who you might hear from. But probably not.

1 comment:

  1. Also, she copied your hair with the blonde on the left side. Shameful.
