Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trashy towns and other thoughts

So I have been toying with the idea for about a month now to split into 2 separate blogs. One that is about parenting, and one that is about just a person, not just a mommy. Several things have yet to fall into place for me to do this
1. The "parenting" blog does not have a name...
2. I haven't actually written enough in the last couple of years to necessitate 2 blogs, it just sounds cool.
3. I am not sure that the blog about me would have all that much on it. Because my life is wrapped in my how do you seperate that?

Until I get these pressing matter solved (actually, until I come up with a name I like), this blog will still contain my meanderings about kids, husbands, life in general, and small trashy towns like Wendell, ID.

Which brings me to my second topic of the night. Wendell, ID.

Once Upon A Time, I lived in Wendell. Well, actually I lived just over the county line between Jerome and Wendell. The difference this made was that we would occasionally venture into Wendell for some light shopping. Which brings me to today (for the record, I did not venture into Wendell from Twin for some light shopping. That would be ridiculous.) So this is what happened.
Everyday, before leaving Gooding, I go to the bathroom. My body is trained like that. Well, today, I was sidetracked by the million things that I was in charge of and didn't go the the bathroom. I stumbled out to my car, got in, and by the time I reached Wendell, my body reminded me that I was supposed to have gone before I ever left. So I pulled into what used to be the little grocery store in Wendell, Simerlys. ( The spelling looks WAY off there. But that is at least phonetically correct. ) I found the bathroom after a silly amount of wandering. After getting the job done, so to speak, I decided I was a tad parched, and grabbed a drink for the rest of my drive home. And this is where the real story starts.

The people in front of me were having a dispute over the actual cost of a veggie platter. They were under the impression that it was $3.99 even though it rang up at $7.99. So off the lady and the clerk went to get the real price. Apparently, the people just didn't actually read the sign, and to their embarrassment, as well as with many apologies, they decided to forgo the $7.99 veggie platter that, according to them, they were going to make a salad with (??Don't question the locals??) So I pay for my drink, during which, the previous gentleman came back to request a couple additional bags (??), and as I am walking out, I hear the girl who was in front of me tell the guy that the lady at the deli glared at her when she asked for the price. "She glared at you?" He asked. "Yes, a real mean glare, too" she answered.
"Where is she, I'm going to fight her"

Now, there are several things to just get out of that one sentence. Here is this guy, asking where a girl is that he is planning on fighting. A guy. Going to fight a girl. Who glared at his girlfriend/wife/significant other. Um. Yep.

But really. Coming from a guy, that was one of the most epic lines I have ever heard.
Where is she? I'm going to fight her.

Really I should have followed them back to see what happened. In all reality, the poor clerk that they are talking about probably had no idea that she glared (I often do this, really it is me thinking, but I happen to be looking in the direction of someone, thus, I "glared" at them) at this girl. And I wonder what the guy's plan here was? Walk up and deck her? Just straight punch her in the face? Even writing that feels weird. Anyways, just a note that if you are ever in Wendell, don't look too long at the natives. They don't take too kindly to the "glaring"

1 comment:

  1. Aside from the fact that your Wendell adventure is crazy-awesome (crawesome?), I have to admit I totally feel you on the whole "not sure how many blogs to have" thing. I decided to nix my personal blog just a few weeks ago in exchange for two new blogs because I felt my one was all over the place and I wanted more of a focus. So I made one about life as a newlywed attempting to home-make, and one that's more just for friends and family. I'm super happy with both of them, but yesterday, out of nowhere, I was like, "Hey, I want a personal blog again." So I made one. But now I feel silly for going from one blog with a bit of everything to having THREE different blogs. I just figure I'll eventually make a profit off of one of them. (Right? RIGHT?) Either way, I love your blog and and I'm looking forward to reading your book one day... :)
