Tuesday, August 7, 2012

And that's how my life unravels like yarn

Actually, my life hasn't unraveled, Cadence just destroyed a skein of yarn while I was cooking dinner. Which teaches me several lessons about kids and life
1. They must be watched at all times (*snort* Yeah right)
2. Why am I even cooking while Zach is away? (the question of the hour)

Really the second one is the real issue. Bishop is claiming to be starving (pah.) so I am making his favorite, spaghetti, cause I am a good mama like that. Also, I am going to save the leftovers for dinner tomorrow, since there is NO way we will eat it all. So it is a win/win situation. Except for the yarn. Which didn't win. THIS is why mommy doesn't make you anything, Cadence. You destroy everything I love.

Anyways, I had an epiphany today while walking back from the park. Actually, I have had this epiphany before, so I am not sure if it is still considered an epiphany or a discovery I already made...regardless.

So Bishop has been AWESOME on his bike the last couple of weeks, and really wanted to ride his bike to the park. So he rode his bike, and I pushed Cadence in the double stroller. We get to the park, ride around on the walking paths, then decide to head home. Well, in order to get home, we have to cross Locust, which is a pretty busy street. So I have Bishop get off his bike, on the stroller, and I carry the bike and push the stroller across the street. Because I am just that awesome of a mom.

Anyways, we get across the street, I put B's bike on the sidewalk, he starts to get on, but because it is a slanted driveway, ends up falling over. So I help him back on, and pull on the stroller to keep it close to me, and Cadence, who was in the Stand part of the Sit 'n Stand, promptly fell off and whacked her head on the cement. Proud mom moment.

So I pick her up, check her for bleeding, make sure her eyes look normal (not over/under dilated=concussion) while she screams. Because she tends to scream about most personal injuries. Meanwhile, Bishop is ready to go, and starts off. So I decide to just carry Cadence until she calms down.

And as I am struggling with the crying/clinging baby and pushing a double stroller, it occurred to me how silly we must look. Bishop riding his bike like a pro, me pushing an empty, big, unneeded, bulky, (insert awkwardly large adjective here), while trying to calm down my girl.

I am sure no one really noticed. Actually, I am pretty sure it was all in my head, but I just kept thinking how silly we (ahem, I) must look. And I kept explaining to myself, and all the judgy people who can hear my thoughts (read: no one) that the stroller is necessary. Because if I didn't have the stroller, I would be holding a screaming baby, a blanket, a diaper bag, lunch bags, and an untold number of sippy cups/water bottles, random crap that my kids feel are needed to leave the house. It may have also occurred to me that if I didn't have the stroller, I wouldn't have a screaming baby. Because she wouldn't have fallen. But logic like that doesn't occur to you when you are one handed shoving a stroller across the ridiculous re-surfacing that they are doing to all of the roads.

Oh, and the epiphany? Lets just add this to the list of things I NEVER thought I would do before I was a parent. We will just add between washing poop out of the bath, and having my leg licked while I am making dinner. Licked by my child.

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