Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Give me the milk, or the dog gets it.

At the age of 3, Bishop has a slight addiction. Well, actually, in addition to his others, he has recently decided that he needs chocolate milk. Daily. This isn't such a big deal, but the kid just won't leave me alone until I get his chocolate milk. He usually starts pestering me at the most inconvient moments. Like while I am outside mowing the lawn. Or taking a shower. Or going to the bathroom. I think he can tell when I am otherwise occupied, and likes to come up with reasons to be the center of attention again. So I will be up to my elbows in baby poop or doing dishes and he starts in.

"Mommy, I want chocolate milk."
"Ok, Bishop, hang on one sec"
"Mommy, I chocolate milk, please" (which actually sounds like 'peas')
"Ok Bishop, hang on"
"Please Mommy!! Chocolate milk, please!!"
"Ok, just let me..."
"PLEASE MOMMY! Chocolate milk PLEASE?! Please, Mommy!!!"
(Clearly the kid thinks I am waiting for him to ask 'nicely' so he keeps adding more 'please's)
"OK! Bishop! Mommy needs to finish this, and then I will get your chocolate milk"
"CHOCOLATE MILK, MOMMY!!! Please, please, please?"

There is just no reasoning with him at this point. He is usually pulling on whatever appendage he can get a hold of (arm, leg, Ok, he has never pulled my hair, but if it came between him and his chocolate milk, I wouldn't put it past him) to get me to go get him some chocolate milk.

I am not a huge fan of juice. It is just a bunch of sugar, and the boy does NOT need the extra energy. So he more often than not has water, with the occasional chocolate milk tossed in. Thus the begging. This same situation happens if he knows we have Capri Suns in the fridge. Strangely enough, I noticed that on his chocolate milk packaging, it says it has 25% less sugar. Which makes me wonder, less than what?

The normal chocolate milk? A competitors chocolate milk? A bag of sugar?

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